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Card Valet

Card Valet is now available to help you monitor your First Bank of Pike Debit Cards. With Card Valet, you have the ability to disable and enable your Debit Card anytime you wish. You will also receive alerts each time a registered card is used and have a record of your spending right on your Smartphone. To access the new card management features, select “More” from the main menu, then tap the new “Cards” tile.The app is available to download from you App Store. If you have any questions, please contact one of our customer service representatives. Download Card Valet today!

Tokenization Available

Add your First Bank of Pike Debit Card to your Apple Wallet or Google Wallet and enjoy the convenience of digital shopping!  It's free easy to sign up for and secure!  If you have any questions, please contact one of our customer service representatives.

Online Bill Pay

How do you get your bills organized? Easily, that’s how. With First Bank of Pike’s Online Bill Pay, you can receive and pay your bills from one website with one password. You’ll get reminders when they’re due, confirmation that they’re paid. Plus, you'll be able to quickly review who you paid, how much and when.

With First Bank of Pike’s Online Bill Pay, you can:

• Get organized - Manage all your bills, all online
• Enjoy convenience - Pay anyone, anytime
• Reduce clutter - No more paper bills to file

Log in to Online Bill Pay at and sign up today.

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