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Switch Kit

We’re pleased you’ve decided to “unmerge” and want to enjoy the great service and friendly bankers at First Bank of Pike. We pledge you’ll always receive prompt, personal service, provided by people who know you.

Changing banks can be a big decision and a real challenge. That’s why your we have designed the Switch Kit to guide you step-by-step through the move. This Kit includes several worksheets and forms that will make it easy for you to “unmerge”. Just follow these easy steps and you’ll be “unmerged” in no time!

Switch Kit Forms

Step 1: Open your new First Bank of Pike Account

Organize your personal information, open your First Bank of Pike account, and unmerge from your old bank. We’ll help you step by step. A Personal Banker in any Banking Office can advise you on the accounts and services to fit your needs and lifestyle. 

Now that you’ve made the decision to unmerge, you’ll want to gather information you’ll need to open your new First Bank of Pike Account. Just follow the steps below to make the Easy Switch.

Organize information you will need 
Gather your account information and enter it on the Switch Kit Account Information Worksheet-Form A (below) designed specifically for this purpose.

Open your First Bank of Pike accounts
Once you’ve gathered together the information for your accounts, any of our Personal Bankers will be happy to assist you with your new account opening.

You can begin using your New First Bank of Pike Account immediately
Once your new account is funded, you can begin using your account immediately. Your check order and Debit Card will be sent to you in about a week.

Enroll online for Online Banking
As soon as your new account is open, you can enroll online for Online Banking, our 24-hour banking service, by clicking on Online Services. To add Bill Payment, just sign up on this site.

Remember: Don’t forget to leave enough funds in your old account to cover any outstanding checks or automatic payments. Our next steps will help you switch any automated payments and direct deposits to your new account.

Step 2: Transfer Direct Deposits & Automatic Payments

This is one of the most important aspects of making a smooth switch. It’s a good idea to have a few recent bank statements available to review the automated transactions you need to move. We’ve provided new account notification forms for you to use to notify your employer, other direct depositors and any vendors you have authorized to charge your account.

Also, keep in mind:

  • Direct deposits from your employer, retirement plan, or other sources of income such as Social Security need to be transferred to your new account.
  • Automated payments for insurance, utilities and other transactions you have authorized are easy to remember with our convenient Payments Worksheet.
  • If you are using Online Bill Payment, don’t forget to print a list of your current Payees (and your Payment History). First Bank of Pike’s online banking, can handle all of your recurring and one-time online bill payment needs.
Step 3: Close Your Old Account

Your First Bank of Pike Account is ready to go, so it’s time to unmerge.

  • Confirm that all outstanding checks have cleared on your old account.
  • Verify that your direct deposits have been redirected to your new account.
  • Check with any payees who have not redirected your automatic payments.
  • Use the Account Closure Form to notify your old bank that you are closing your account.
Step 1: Open your new First Bank of Pike AccountStep 2: Transfer Direct Deposits & Automatic PaymentsStep 3: Close Your Old Account

Organize your personal information, open your First Bank of Pike account, and unmerge from your old bank. We’ll help you step by step. A Personal Banker in any Banking Office can advise you on the accounts and services to fit your needs and lifestyle. 

Now that you’ve made the decision to unmerge, you’ll want to gather information you’ll need to open your new First Bank of Pike Account. Just follow the steps below to make the Easy Switch.

Organize information you will need 
Gather your account information and enter it on the Switch Kit Account Information Worksheet-Form A (below) designed specifically for this purpose.

Open your First Bank of Pike accounts
Once you’ve gathered together the information for your accounts, any of our Personal Bankers will be happy to assist you with your new account opening.

You can begin using your New First Bank of Pike Account immediately
Once your new account is funded, you can begin using your account immediately. Your check order and Debit Card will be sent to you in about a week.

Enroll online for Online Banking
As soon as your new account is open, you can enroll online for Online Banking, our 24-hour banking service, by clicking on Online Services. To add Bill Payment, just sign up on this site.

Remember: Don’t forget to leave enough funds in your old account to cover any outstanding checks or automatic payments. Our next steps will help you switch any automated payments and direct deposits to your new account.

This is one of the most important aspects of making a smooth switch. It’s a good idea to have a few recent bank statements available to review the automated transactions you need to move. We’ve provided new account notification forms for you to use to notify your employer, other direct depositors and any vendors you have authorized to charge your account.

Also, keep in mind:

  • Direct deposits from your employer, retirement plan, or other sources of income such as Social Security need to be transferred to your new account.
  • Automated payments for insurance, utilities and other transactions you have authorized are easy to remember with our convenient Payments Worksheet.
  • If you are using Online Bill Payment, don’t forget to print a list of your current Payees (and your Payment History). First Bank of Pike’s online banking, can handle all of your recurring and one-time online bill payment needs.

Your First Bank of Pike Account is ready to go, so it’s time to unmerge.

  • Confirm that all outstanding checks have cleared on your old account.
  • Verify that your direct deposits have been redirected to your new account.
  • Check with any payees who have not redirected your automatic payments.
  • Use the Account Closure Form to notify your old bank that you are closing your account.
You are now leaving First Bank of Pike